Home Events

Run a trivia event in the comfort of your own home!

Once registered and logged in simply browse our selection of quizzes and pick the one that is right for you. Just click the quiz you want to get started!

After you have selected your quiz there are four parts you will use when running our Trivia Quizzes as shown below.

We recommend using a laptop which you can plug into a big screen and then to control the quiz you can either use the same laptop or a mobile device.

How It Works

There are 4 main parts you will use to get up and running as shown below.

Quiz Presentation

The Quiz Presentation

This is the screen players will follow your quiz and where the questions and media will be shown. Any screen will work though we recommend plugging into a TV or similar large screen. A mobile or tablet screen is not recommended.

The Registration Screen

Here you can see all the teams registered and alter any game settings.
Mobile Remote

The Host Remote

Here you can control the Quiz Presentation, forward, back, play pause etc. We recommend running this on a mobile phone or tablet. Landscape or portrait supported.
Mobile Remote

The Team Buzzers

For Mobile Phone Buzzers, teams simply scan a QR code to join and can answer via their phone, tablets or any device. If using our Hardare buzzers they simply use the buzzer.

How You Control The Quiz

You have multiple options when it comes to controlling the Quiz Presentation.

Virtual Remote on your phone or tablet

Simply open the Virtual Remote on a phone or tablet to control the quiz. A QR code can be scanned to open or a link can be sent to any device.


Keyboard Shorcuts

You can easily control all aspects of the quiz through keyboard shorcuts. A list of simple keyboard shortcuts are shown when the quiz starts.

Hardware Remote

Our game show hardware buzzers come with a hardware remote, this can be purchased seperatly. Logo

How Teams Register & Submit Their Answers

Teams have 2 options for entering their answers.

Mobile or Tablet Buzzers

For running an event at home, a party or a coprorate event you can be up and run instantly with Mobile Remote.

You will be shown a link that you can forward on to anyone you want to join your game. They just need to enter their Team Name and an optional password and they are good to go!

First In Questions have 2 available modes, firstly a simple buzzer where the first to buzz in gets to answer or they can be provided with a text field to enter their answer and click submit, where the first to submit will be shown on screen along with their answer, as the host you then mark it right or wrong, if wrong it opens the question back up for answers.


Game Show Hardware Buzzers

Our game show hardware buzzers offer the ultimate trivia experience. These are more commonly used in a live venue environment though they can be used anywhere. Contact Us for pricing and details on how to purchase if you want to take your trivia games to the next level.


Scoring & Customisations


Scoring is all automatic, multiple choice questions are calculated automatically while first in questions the host marks these correct or incorrect and again the scoring is automatic. The host can also adjust the teams points if required.


You can easily adjust game settings including, point structure, question timers, break timers, logos, backgrounds plus so much more, you can even edit our quizzes if you want to add some more content.


Use one of our premade quizzes or use our quiz builder to create your own.

Try our software and run a full quiz for FREE!

Once registered and logged in, just click on one of our free demo quizzes and click start! It's that easy!